Paul (Matt Damon) is a kind-hearted man. He works daily as an occupational therapist and comes home to his wife Audrey (Kristen Wiig). Shortly it’s mentioned that as a married couple, the two are struggling in life, particularly in regards to finances and overall happiness.
To achieve their dreams in life (big house or a more suitable lifestyle), Paul and Audrey decide to undergo a procedure that will result in being shrunk to the height of five inches tall. Paul and Audrey are not the 1st ones to venture into this new type of lifestyle known as Downsizing. Downsizing has become rather popular, and it’s proven to be more beneficial for the world’s environment.
If you’ve seen the film’s trailer, forget them. I feel as though the marketing for this film was misleading as to what the film’s actually about. The trailer would lead you to think this is a comedy. It’s more of a depressing drama…
As the film Downsizing begins, we understand the process and lifestyle of it all. Still, after this introduction, I found the film became wholly different and continued to change the plot’s theme over and over again with multiple subplots. At times, after I became invested in a sub-plot, the film would suddenly change paths yet back. I also found myself forgetting what I was watching because of this. As a story, the movie is confusing, random and slow-paced. Granted, the 1st 20mins was what I was expecting based on the film’s trailers and marketing. Not only this, but multiple times throughout the film, you will even forget that these characters are Downsized, because many of the film’s shots appear normal. The film missed many fun and creative opportunities it could of had.

Matt Damon once again delivers a character that is gentle and kind-hearted to others around him, but is this a role for Matt Damon that is new or pushing his limits as an actor? Sadly, not really. And the worst part is, his character is rather depressing to watch. Other characters surrounding Matt Damon are forgettable and at times can be somewhat annoying and cheesy.
Overall, this is a film that has far too many elements crammed into one film. As the audience, we see the film begin with a pleasant introduction but sadly move on and take a completely different direction over and over again. No matter happens here; Downsized is dull, odd and uninteresting. Characters here are also forgettable. I’m left overall feeling shocked and saddened by what could have been.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden