Chaos is happening all over Los Angeles due to multiple threats from a “mad bomber” who is demanding millions of dollars in cash or else the mayhem will continue. Our film begins with this mad bomber blowing up parts of an elevator full of business people. The Los Angeles Special Weapons and Tactics department(basically SWAT) is called to act and investigate. Among the team is a young officer named Jack Traven (Keanu Reeves) who is determined to save the lives of those trapped in the elevator, along with taking down the mad man behind it all.
After the 1st incident passes, Jack gets a phone call from the mad bomber telling him that this time the stakes have been lifted. This time there is a bomb on a passenger filled bus. If the bus drives below a particular “speed”, the bus will explode.
Jack’s day is about to get extremely heavy…
I remember seeing Speed in cinema as a kid when it was 1st released in 1994. I still remember being so scared of this film that I buried my head in the cinema seat while the rest of my family were having a blast. Needless to say, as I grew older Speed has become one of my favourite action films. It’s also one of my favourite Keanu Reeves performances (other than John Wick lol).
From the opening scene alone, there are two elements the film does incredibly well.
1. The film gets right into both the action and the story. Just like a rollercoaster ride at a theme park, the film takes off right after the opening credits, so be sure hold on tightly!
2. Any character in the film may die. This is the primary reason I remember being so scared as a kid seeing this in cinemas. Anyone in this could die, and the stakes are high. I even feared for Jack’s life from start to finish.
This is a film that well and truly boosted the acting career of Keanu Reeves, leading him to smash films such as The Matrix. Jack, as a character, is a determined and strong-willed person who won’t stop at anything. This type of style is also something different for the actor to play. The film’s plot on paper may sound silly, but thanks to the performances, it’s incredibly believable and fun.
Keanu Reeves isn’t the only actor who deserves praise. Our villain of the film is brilliantly played by Dennis Hopper, who continues to taunt Jack throughout his day. Actress Sandra Bullock also makes an appearance and delivers great chemistry with Keanu Reeves as they both try and deal with the bomb on bus situation (not a spoiler for those who haven’t seen this yet).
Overall, the point of this review simply says this… if you have never seen Speed, you need to add it to your movie watchlist. It’s an incredible experience with gripping and suspenseful moments. Sure, some of the action scenes are far fetched, but I can’t deny how much fun and joy I have every time I watch it. I also recommend viewers avoid watching Speed 2… just don’t do it.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden