A young girl has an alien encounter as a child, leading to her witnessing the Men In Black investigating the scene. In the future, the young girl is all grown up (played by Tessa Thomson), and she is still seeking for the Men In Black. Soon she discovers their hidden underground lair and gains an offer to join up and wear the suit. Her new name moving forward will be Agent M.
Agent M’s 1st assignment is to investigate some unusual activity, travelling to join the MIB in the UK. There she is assigned to work with Agent H (Chris Hemsworth). The two become partners and attempt to defeat a new scum of the universe.
While MIB: International is a complete reboot, the film could be still classed as a 4th instalment. Unfortunately, this instalment only gives us the return of one character, lol Agent O (Emma Thompson).
As a plot, MIB International is incredibly weak in its story, and sadly it’s truly forgettable after a 1st viewing. Despite being a fourth instalment, the film doesn’t take the MIB world to new heights or excite.
This time all the existing MIB members are… silly and childish (including Chris Hemsworth’s character). The only character who shows strength and wisdom is its newest member, Agent M. For me, I thought it was odd that the new member also seems to be the wisest person on screen (yes, the new person). It’s also unfortunate to witness this as I hoped for something new and fresh. For me, the very 1st MIB showed how cool it was to hunt aliens and wear a suit, but this film did not.
Side characters, including new alien characters, are also poorly designed in regards to their “looks”, and like the plot, the side characters are also forgettable. One alien character who has three arms is supposed to be exciting and unique, but if I’m honest, I felt there could have been more creativity.
The film also sets up a twist which is hugely predictable and spends a great deal of time working towards a finale reveal. So much screen time is spent seeking this mystery out, but it’s far too obvious to enjoy the ride. The twist and mystery is almost more fitting for a family/kids film (good one Shaggy!).
Overall, the Men In Black, we once loved as the cool guys who save the Earth are now silly boys with toys. As a fourth instalment, this is easily the weakest in the franchise with predictable plot twists, weak characters and a plot that provides no real excitement or interest in a rewatch.
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Review Written by Peter Walkden