Rose (Ann Skelly) thinks about her mother all the time. She wonders what kind of life she is living and what her mother is doing. She also thinks about what it would look like if the two were ever to meet face to face. What kind of conversations would they have, and what new memories would they create? The biggest question Rose asks herself is if her mother ever thinks about her. During the day, Rose works with animals. But after hours, she begins to seek out her birth mother and discovers that in the present day she is alive and well. While investigating her mother and the world surrounding her, Rose discovers that her biological mother works as an actress and decides to contact her.
The performances here are excellent, and Ann Skelly as Rose delivers an outstanding performance. Thanks to a touching voice over, we gain a strong understanding of Rose as a character. Most importantly, we learn that Rose is desiring a mother’s love, and for whatever reason, her mother is non-existent in her present daily life. As a character, Rose is quite likeable and delivers many heartfelt moments. Audiences will be highly supportive of Rose as she begins her investigations to find the truth surrounding her mother and perhaps discover who her father is too.

The pacing of this film is best described as a slow-burning drama with solid elements of a thriller. This film is in no rush to tell its story, using beautiful visuals and shots. Even with strong visuals, some viewers may find the slower pacing of the story slightly disappointing. For me, I found it all creative and engaging. The mysteries are also great. As Rose makes discoveries about herself and her family, I couldn’t help question if the leading characters were telling the truth or telling lies. It’s these types of questions, and many others, that truly kept my interest as the film ultimately became extremely unpredictable, touching and highly satisfying with the conclusion. The musical score is downright basic and, at times, repetitive. Key moments of the musical score were still effective, but I wished the film could have expanded a little more with its choice of music.

Overall, this is a touching and gripping film filled with a solid mystery. I truly enjoyed this film, even though it was a slow-burning thriller with moments of touching drama along the way. The performance from Ann Skelly is excellent, and she is highly convincing as Rose. Visually, the film is a delight, delivering plenty of creativity and style to the screen right from the opening act. The finale may seem somewhat basic, but it’s still unpredictable, and I found the entire film highly satisfying.
29th November 2021
Written by Peter Walkden