Set in the year 1985, young teenager Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) can’t seem to catch a break. After running late for school and receiving yet another detention notice, Marty attends a band tryout and is declined because he, along with his band, play way too darn loud. Marty’s homelife could also be better. Marty comes home from school only to find his Dad has been involved in a tragic car accident, destroying the car Marty hoped to use over the weekend. His Dad is then bullied by a man named Biff, all while Marty watches. To top it off, the romance between his parents is non-existent, unlike when they first met.
But on the night of Marty’s tragic and annoying day, he receives a phone call from his older friend Doc (Christopher Lloyd). Doc tells Marty that he has something incredible to show Marty and asks if they can meet at a local shopping centre at midnight. Marty agrees. Doc shows Marty his latest invention, and it’s unlike anything Marty could have expected. Doc claimes to have built a time machine out of a DeLorean. But Doc’s presentation is interrupted when terrorists arrived and attempt to kill both Doc and Marty. Marty runs to the DeLorean and drives off but accidentally travels back in time. After Marty crashes the car into a barn, he discovers that he has travelled back to the year 1955- the same year when his parents first met and fell in love. Can Marty blend in with the past without making his original future different?
The chemistry between Marty Mcfly (Michael J. Fox) & Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) is flawless. While the friendship and age difference might seem a bit odd on paper, on-screen the two actors nail the performance, and it feels completely believable that these two have known each other for quite some time. The friendship is humorous and quirky.
The film’s plot is also flawless, and upon first viewing, the film is highly unpredictable and fun. Every element here is well, perfect. The film’s visuals are filled with creativity. A time machine which is a DeLorean is one prime example of such creative invention in this film. The film’s soundtrack is a blast, including unforgettable instrumental tracks and my favourite- songs by the legendary artist Huey Lewis.
Overall, this should come as no surprise, but I consider this film to be flawless and perfect. Back To The Future is a must watch as it contains many great ingredients such as outstanding performances from both Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. The plot is pure fun, and the film’s soundtrack is fantastic. The movie’s ending alone will only leave viewers eager to know what happens next.
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Review Written by Peter Walkden