Two musicians who met each other at a young age, Lars (Will Ferrell) and Sigrit (Rachel McAdams), have always hoped and dreamed of having the opportunity to perform together at Eurovision and represent Iceland. They regularly perform with their band at the local pub and are generally disliked. Lars also must deal with his father Erick (Pierce Brosnan) who is embarrassed by Lars.

But after a tragic incident occurs in Iceland, Lars and Sigrit are given the opportunity they have always dreamed of. The two have been selected to represent Iceland in the upcoming Eurovision contest. Can Lars and Sigrit work together and put on a performance that the world will never forget?

Visually, this digital release is rather pleasant. I enjoyed little elements such as the wonderful landscape shots of Iceland. The audio track was also a delight. I will confess that I enjoyed most of the musical acts and found myself turning the volume up with each musical track.

As far as comedy, I really enjoyed the chemistry between actors Will Ferrell & Rachel McAdams. Most jokes throughout the film were unpredictable but sadly some moments leading up to an obvious joke, including how Lars and Sigrit end up in the competition.

As for any negatives with film, there are some general minor issues which add up. Some of these include the film’s villain played by Dan Stevens. While the performance by Dan Stevens was enjoyable, the character’s motivation for his actions were generally weak considering the amount of screen time he has. As a comedy, this is also a lengthy film with an over 2-hour runtime. While watching this, I found the runtime to be noticeable with some moments that felt unnecessary, including two climaxes.

Overall, Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga is a brainless comedy with a great concept. It is great to see Will Ferrell and Rachel McAdams have awesome chemistry on screen together. Musical numbers are also fun and somewhat random which is what Eurovision is all about. It is a great release for Netflix and worth a look if you’re seeking something that will help your mind switch off.
Eurovisoin Song Contest: The Story of Fire Sega (2020) is Now Avaialbe on Netflix, Australia

Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) – Movie Review Podcast is now available!


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Review Written by Peter Walkden