Continuing from where we last left our favourite Toys, Woody, Buzz and the gang are still living with Bonnie and doing what they can to keep Bonnie safe and happy in life. Things will soon change for our playful toys as Bonnie begins at preschool, where she creates a new toy and calls him “Forky” as Forky joins with the rest of the toys they soon they find themselves on a road trip full of new adventures which include the introduction of new humorous toys. Woody will also reconnect with one familiar toy which got away- “Bo Peep”.
Growing up, I was always a fan of the Toy Story franchise. Funnily enough, while I haven’t rewatched the entire franchise recently, every time I saw a new instalment, they just seemed to get better and better. I’m happy to report the same thing has occurred with Toy Story 4!
Not only has it been exciting to see the returning characters on screen, but there are great character developments which occur, particularly with Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks). Once Woody meets Forky, he naturally falls into a “father” type role as he tries to protect and serve as a good sheriff does. As a plot, I was also surprised at every turn by this film. Disney could have been lazy with its plan and just had the same characters, but instead the world of Toy Story only grows to “infinity and beyond”. There wasn’t a moment of Toy Story 4 that I didn’t enjoy. This film truly floored me. Not only does the story tell an impacting tale, but it also brings much laughter perfect for all ages.
As one would expect, Disney has nailed the audio tracks, but there is also an extreme attention to details, particularly when it comes to visuals.
Overall, for a 4th instalment, Toy Story 4 is genuinely flawless. With a heartfelt plot and an increase of characters and humour, Toy Story 4 is easily the most excellent instalment of the franchise. I’m genuinely impressed at how Disney and Pixar keep making this journey bigger and better! Congrats fun Toys, you have truly reached “Infinity and Beyond” in our hearts forever.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden