A young woman named Sara (Natalie Dormer – best known for Games Of Thrones) travels to Japan. Sara is wanting to enter Japan’s well-known Suicide Forest to try and find her twin sister. Little does Sara know, she will find the forest is loaded with supernatural terror.
As far the plot is concerned, this film had plenty of potential and I was overall curious to see Natalie Dormer take the main lead in this genre. It is also worth mentioning that this is a directional debut for Jason Zada.
The Forest is a film that tries to be creative but becomes instead offers very little to be positive about. The small number of characters are strongly annoying, bland and make careless choices. The film makes a huge demand for the viewer to follow people who are walking around, seeing visions (well, we think they are visions??) and are retelling the same stories over and over in an attempt to build their character.
Considering the film’s run time is over an hour and a half, this was truly painful to finish. I found myself checking the runtime twice because I actually wasn’t sure if I could handle watching it all the way to the end. I suffered through a very similar type of film earlier this year with “The Disappointments Room”.
The Forest is a film I wish I never watched, as I saw nothing exciting or fresh and I cannot recommend for anyone to watch.
Overall, this has left me very disappointed. Considering the film has a positive audio track (as most of the film takes place in a creep Forest) the movie’s ending alone will leave the audience feeling like someone gave them the middle finger. Sorry horror fans, this is a major snooze fest.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden