Introducing a future where humans are the highest form of artificial intelligence is at war. Here, we follow Joshua (John David Washington), an ex-special forces soldier with a tragic past. Joshua continues to grieve over the disappearance of his wife, whom he believes is, in fact, dead. However, when new intel surfaces, proving she is still alive, Joshua is called for a mission unlike anything else he’s done before. Given his skills and expertise in the field, Joshua is a vital asset for the mission, and there’s a high chance he may find his wife. The task for Joshua and the team is to find a secret weapon that is believed to be powerful enough to destroy everyone on Earth once and for all. The question is, can Joshua discover the weapon and find his wife before it is too late?
Visually, nothing can be faulted about this film. Every aspect and area related to the visuals is perfect, and the film feels highly rewarding for those who witness it on a stunning cinema screen. The elements of sci-fi are deeply pleasing, creative, and fun. AI robots, spaceships, weapons, and futuristic technology are examples of where the film shines best with its sci-fi. The visuals are also highly sharp with solid colours. Landscapes and backgrounds are also an immense delight. The leading performance from John David Washington is also outstanding. Audiences are given enough information on the character to understand him instantly, and to my surprise, there are also intense moments of both action and drama delivered by the actor.
[mailerlite_form form_id=1]The film’s plot and story are enjoyable and compelling, but I can’t deny it. I found some areas that lacked detail, which, in return, made some moments feel slightly vague or complex, as if another rewatch would be required. Specific edits and cuts between scenes also give a strong impression that there must be plenty of footage not shown in the final cut. Sure, the primary objective and the heart and drama of the story are solid, but I would prefer more clarity for subplots and other finer details.
Overall, “The Creator” is a fresh sci-fi film with strength in many areas, particularly its visuals. As a sci-fi film, there’s a stunning world on display here, and it’s packed with unique ideas, such as AI robots, technology, weaponry, and so on. It’s gratifying and best to experience it on the big premium screen. The leading performance from actor John David Washington is compelling, dramatic, and fun. While the main plot serves well as a film, I can’t deny some areas felt vague to me, which, in return, made the film feel slightly complex; various moments, including subplots and some edits between scenes, also felt unusual. If you consider yourself a lover of all things related to sci-fi, you should hunt this film down today.
27th September 2023
Written by Peter Walkden