Based on the well-known videogame character, thanks to Sega. Sonic lives a peaceful life within his homeworld until the hero himself becomes in danger. The only way to be kept safe and stay alive is to use one of his magical rings which allows him to a new dimension. Sonic ends up on a strange dimension known as Earth.
Sonic is now all alone and lives in a cave. Daily entertains himself busy exercising, reading books, playing games or watching the lives of others including the town’s local police officer Tom (James Marsden). He lives close by near Sonic’s home. But it isn’t long until Sonic is in danger once again. Sonic mistakenly uses one of his superpowers which alerts the government of the unusual activity. This then leads an evil scientist by the name of Dr Robotnik (Jim Carry) to hunt down Sonic and learn more about the superhero’s abilities. Sonic tries to in hiding in the same home that Tom lives in but naturally gets discovered. Now both Tom and Sonic go on the run and must together.
I have fond memories of playing Sonic The Hedgehog as a child thanks to a stunning Sega Master System II Console. While I wasn’t always playing every Sonic that got released, I’m amazed at how much I do still remember and how much of it was relevant in this film. Talking about the suburb of Green Hill is just one of many nods to the original game.
The voice work of Sonic (voiced by Ben Schwartz) was fitting and enjoyable. I am also one of those people who was rather thankful that Paramount redesigned Sonic’s look when compared to the 1st trailer which fans were not pleased to see. Paramounts hard work and extra spending have paid off when it comes to CGI. This will be pleasing to many fans who have always loved the little blue guy.
The most enjoyable element to Sonic The Hedgehog was the film’s villain of Dr Robotnik (Jim Carrey). Actor Jim Carry gives a familiar but still welcoming performance as the evil scientist aka the bad guy. It’s great to see the actor be over the top with his random one-liners and strange looks while he hunts for Sonic The Hedgehog.
Tom (James Marsden) was just ok as a character here. He spends most of his time trying to keep up with Sonic and assists him where possible. During the film, Tom also has a relationship in movie which did felt unnecessary, and at times this relationship felt unbelievable, but this is, after all, is a family film.
Overall, Sonic The Hedgehog is a fun, entertaining and brainless comedy time that takes its audiences down memory lane. In my opinion, it’s genuinely a video game film that’s been done right. Visual effects and sound design were also pleasing too. Easily the most fun element of this film comes from the actor Jim Carrey who brings a familiar and yet welcoming performance as the film villain.