Beginning with a written narration scrolling on the screen, we learn about a distant planet far away named Gigax. On Gigax, a nameless evil ruled supreme and was unstoppable until becoming imprisoned. After this narration, we head to Earth and follow a young girl named Mimi (Nita-Josée Hanna) and her brother, Luke (Owen Myre). The two are playing an extreme round of ‘crazy ball’ in their backyard. After accepting defeat, Luke digs a large hole in the backyard with Mimi, only to find a strange alien-like object. Little do they know, they have just awoken something highly disastrous.
The next day, the two are shocked to find the hole they dug in their backyard is now even bigger, and it’s clear something alive has escaped. They begin searching for the escapee and discover a large monster hiding in an old shoe factory. At first, this creature is scary and threatening, but only until Mimi discovers she can command him to do anything she desires. The monster makes various threats promising death, blood and destruction, but for Mimi, the monster’s threats mean nothing. When she knows she can control the monster, Mimi even gives him a new name, as if she is adopting a new pet. Renamed PG as a shortened version of his name, Psycho Goreman, PG is naturally angry about being bossed around by a young kid. Still, he has no choice but to submit to Mimi’s demands, no matter how silly or outrageous they are. Meanwhile, on the planet of Gigax, various leaders known as Templars discover that the ultimate evil has mysteriously awoken on Earth and will now do everything within their power to be rid of Psycho Goreman once again.
Psycho Goreman is a horror film with many random and outrageously dark comedic moments. As a horror film, plenty of gore and violence can be enjoyed. Bodies exploding and heads getting crushed and smashed are examples of the brutal violence and gore used to shock and surprise audiences. The brutal violence can be extremely comedic, depending on one’s taste in humour. The dialogue throughout the entire duration is filled with various gags and one-liners, which I found highly witty and random. I laughed and giggled multiple times, even when a joke was silly and highly outrageous.
When it comes to creativity, I adore this film for so many reasons. Some examples include the wild and fun power Ranger-like costumes of many monsters who appear (including Psycho Goreman). Let’s not forget the outrageous kills that also feature throughout. The world and backstory surrounding Psycho Goreman are also extremely pleasing, and many plot aspects are brainless and entertaining. Retro instrumental rock music fits in nicely with this feature.
As for any negatives, there are only a few, which are generally minor. The leading character, Mimi, is fairly bossy and rude throughout the film, and I can understand if viewers find her character slightly annoying or harsh. The film suffers from a few minor issues in the first act.
Overall, suppose you’re seeking a horror film that’s highly brainless, witty, and packed with fun levels of creativity in the story, costumes, and violence. In that case, Psycho Goreman will deliver some wild entertainment on your big screen. Thanks to many aspects, the film also delivers a fun retro vibe through the instrumental rock soundtrack and a story that left me wanting to see more, especially regarding the leading monster Psycho Goreman. Any issues I have with this film are generally minor and quite forgiving. Having seen the film several times now, I enjoy its level of dark comedy more and more with each rewatch and find myself admiring all that is on display, including the huge effort that has gone into it and the cleverness.