Marion (Janet Leigh) is a secretary who gets tempted to do something, unlike anything she has ever done before. She decides to steal $40,000 in cash from her workplace. Now with fears of getting caught, Marion takes the money and gets on the road fast. While travelling, it’s not long until a bad storm occurs, and Marion’s fears and worries about driving in the rain begin to grow strongly. Thankfully, she discovers a remote motel and decides to pull over, checking in with hopes of an overnight stay until she gets back on the road again.
Upon checking into the motel, she meets a young man named Norman at the front desk. We soon learn that Norman isn’t alone and lives with this mother, running the motel by himself. We also gain an understanding that his mother can be quite demanding and bossy. But what happens next in this film is truly horrific and shocking.

Psycho is a horror and thriller film, and it’s a film that changed cinema history forever. Known for its infamous “shower scene” and shocking reveals, I remember being surprised multiple times the first time I watched this film. Nothing is ever predictable, with many twists and turns, and going in unexpected directions. The major twist in the third and final act to this day still brings me both smiles and goosebumps.

Thanks to the director Alfred Hitchcock, Psycho is filled with many tense and suspenseful moments. Some suspenseful moments are as simple as watching Marion drive a car. Hitchcock masterfully creates unsettling moments and captures them perfectly. The soundtrack is priceless, memorable and iconic, perfectly matched with all that is on-screen at all times.

Performances, again, can’t be faulted, especially from Anthony Perkins, who plays Norman, a man who always seems so kind and yet so suspicious. Janet Leigh is also great as someone who has not committed a crime before and is constantly concerned about getting caught.

Overall, Psycho is a masterpiece and one of my all-time favourite films. It’s unsettling, suspenseful and filled with wonderful moments of mystery. Psycho also includes many unforgettable iconic moments, including the shower scene and the shocking and horrific major reveals in the final act. With wonderful acting and a stunning audiotrack, this film comes highly recommended. If you have never seen Psycho, I highly recommend the 4K UHD release, which is loaded with tremendous transfer and solid features.
9th October 2021
Written by Peter Walkden