Paterson (Adam Driver) is a kind-hearted, quiet type of guy. He wakes up every day in the arms of his partner, eats breakfast, gets dressed and goes to work as a bus driver. In his spare time as he walks to work, or while eating his lunch, Paterson also enjoys taking the time to write poetry in a book. This film shows one week of his life, starting with Monday.
If you’re expecting a film that gives a major deep story, twists, or something to work out, you’re in for a shock. Paterson is a film that displays a realistic look at someone’s life who happily works 9-5, is in love with his partner and enjoys his hobby where possible. He also listens to various people on the bus as he drives and interacts with people at his local bar each night or around the suburb. The film’s plot is surprisingly basic, and yet somewhat realistic, and even with these factors, I found myself just wanting to keep watching till the end.
As I watched the film with my wife, I found this film is authentic. For example, I too work a full-time job, but during any spare time I have, I enjoy writing about movies (basically what I’m doing now). Can you relate to that? I sure many of you can.
Paterson, as a character is just excellent and loveable to watch. It’s also great to see yet another outstanding performance from actor Adam Driver, and I’m personally glad he isn’t just stuck doing Star Wars films for the rest of his life.
Paterson’s visuals are enjoyable, and the film uses a rather wide variety of choices in regards to shots and editing. There are many hints which at times could make think you might be watching a modern film set in a different year.
Overall, Paterson appears to be a pretty slow-paced film with a basic plot. I found Paterson to be one of the most realistic movies I have seen in some time and found it very relatable. Not only that, the characters here are enjoyable and entertaining. I feel it’s a film that not everyone will enjoy, but it’s a significant thumbs up.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden