The Kims are a family of creative con artists. The Kims family always work well together, finding ways to get by in life. This includes talking their way through business deals, getting free fumigation or even gaining free WIFI for the home. Soon one of the Kim family members finds his way into working as a servant for a rich and wealthy family, pretending to be a professional tutor. Soon he scams the way for other family members to work for the same household.
From the start of the film, the characters in the Kim family are a delight to watch. Not only is it somewhat humorous to see them scamming their way through life, but they are also characters with whom you can sympathise regarding their lifestyle etc. Even when the Kims do wrong things in order to get by, as audience members you find yourself still supporting them due to very clever filmmaking.
For the sake of spoilers, I won’t speak any further into the plot of this film. Openly, I will admit that there is nothing predictable about Parasite in terms of its plot. It also didn’t take long for me to get heavily invested in this film. In a way, this film is about two families- the Kims and their rich employers. The film itself is enjoyable and I loved all the surprises and twists along the way. It was a truly unexpected experience for me personally.
There is a unique tone within the film, at times creating comedy and other times tense and dramatic moments. The filming style and visuals play a large part in the film’s results (so be sure to pay attention to details from start to finish). The sets used in this film are amazing, particularly when it comes to the home of the wealthy. It’s obvious that the cast and crew has paid a great deal of attention in all areas and it is simply stunning to watch visually. It’s also obvious that the director pays attention to detail. After my 1st viewing, I researched the “making of” Parasite and it is impressive hearing about the great lengths the director went to in making sets look exactly the way he desired. I also can’t fault any performances from the cast- they are flawless and believable at every point during the film’s duration. Speaking of flawless, I felt exactly the same way about the soundtrack which also compliments everything shown on screen.
Overall, Parasite is a movie that gives movie lovers something new and fresh. It’s truly unlike anything I have ever seen in film before and the film kept my attention for the full duration. Set designs, performances, soundtrack and filming style are consistent and flawless. Nothing in this film is predictable and the end left me feeling very satisfied with what I had witnessed- it’s still on my mind even as I write this review. If you’ve yet to see this Oscar-winning film, it is truly worth your time and you will not regret it.