Eliza (Audrey Hepburn) is a street vendor who sells flowers to make ends meet. Professor Higgins (Rex Harrison) bumps into Eliza and the two meet. At first, the professor is quite surprised by Eliza’s language and taste in fashion as she attempts to sell him a flower. After first meeting Eliza, it’s not long until Professor Higgins sets himself a challenge to transform her into something more significant. With lots of tutoring, Professor Higgins will teach Eliza everything from the correct way of speaking and walking to personal hygiene and even the way to dress. Eliza will become a standout among others within London society. But interesting enough, Eliza isn’t the only one who will have a significant change in her life. Professor Higgins will also learn a few things too.
For those unaware, My Fair Lady is based on the beloved Broadway stage hit. The film is filled with tremendous musical numbers and witty and fast-paced dialogue. The musical numbers (be warned) are highly catchy, and many viewers will be singing the soundtrack after the first viewing.
While the film has a lengthy runtime, it’s never noticeable, as the pacing is terrific, and the plot is wildly entertaining at all times. The on-screen characters are also highly enjoyable and likeable, especially Professor Higgins, who always expresses his frustrations about Eliza and enjoys being around her.
Thanks to Paramount Pictures, the film has recently received a 4K UHD release after being restored from the original 65mm with 96K resolution. Those who love music will adore hearing the soundtrack in a stunning 7.1 Dolby Atmos Audio track.
Overall, if you’ve never seen this classic musical, you are truly missing out. With a beautiful story and fun musical numbers, My Fair Lady is a great time and perfect for all ages. The film contains fun and witty dialogue and many heartfelt moments bound to put a smile on any movie lover’s face. The 4K release from Paramount is a must-own as it delivers a tremendous transfer and audio track that comes alive.
My Fair Lady (1964) will be available in Australian Cinemas during the Gold Coast Film Festival 2024. For more information, check out the link here: www.gcff.com.au
24th October 2021
Written by Peter Walkden

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