Frank Penny (Aaron Eckhart) is a police officer who walks the streets in a large city. After he is involved in a foot chase which goes wrong, Frank is instantly stood down from active duty. But after Frank is removed from duty, he discovers new clues about the man he was chasing and more evidence relating to a kidnapped little girl who will die if Frank does not find her in time.
Luckily for Frank, he is not alone. After his encounter with the Captain, Frank bumps into a young internet influencer whose name is Ava Brooks (Courtney Eaton). Ava is determined to film significant live news events from her phone and streams everything she records to the world. She is particularly passionate about telling the news without lies and the whole truth. Now it is up to Frank, with Ava broadcasting his every move, to try to save a little girl before it is too late.
As the film begins, we gain a fundamental understanding of Frank. We understand he lives alone and was once married. The film also hints that Frank has some dark secrets in his past. Once Frank is involved in the foot chase, the film is truly underway.
Line of Duty is not just a high-speed action film. It also attempts to bring in humour which I was not expecting. There are also messages about the power of the internet, social media platforms, news, and other world issues.
When it comes to positives, I would say that actor Aaron Eckhart is the best element in Line of Duty. He seems convincing and believable as an officer of the law, and this carries through to when he is fighting and shooting during action sequences. As for the action, some moments may seem predictable, but I found them to be somewhat enjoyable because it’s all so brainless and over the top.
As for any flaws in this film, yep, there are a few. Firstly, the attempted humour in this film did not work for me. Mostly because the jokes feel incredibly forced and come off very cheesy given the situation our leads are in. Key characters in this film can be slightly annoying. When Frank is running around the city trying to stop bad guys, we witness the reactions of many characters who are watching Ava’s live feed. One actress in particular (Dina Meyer) does nothing significant in the film other than consistently react while working at a news network. The soundtrack for this film was a major misfire for me. When something seems slow and touching, the music over it is a fast-paced techno type 80s track, and it never worked. The final moments of this film seemed way too preachy and unrealistic in all areas.
Overall, Line of Duty is a brainless action and mystery film, with some surprising comedy added as well. Actor Aaron Eckhart is easily the best element to this film, convincingly playing a police officer willing to do whatever it takes to save the life of another. If you are seeking a brainless film with few twists and turns, along with over the top performances from side characters, Line of Duty will satisfy, helping you switch off from the world for a brief moment.
Line of Duty (2019) is Now Available on Blu-ray & DVD