Pete (Mark Wahlberg) and Elle (Rose Byrne) are a happily married couple. So far in life, they have always focused on work and their careers. In the present day, they begin to question themselves and identify that something is missing from their lives. After some consideration and discussion, the two decide to make enquires about the possibility of adopting or fostering a child. They soon attend an open day for foster children and the two meet a young girl who wins their hearts instantly, but the catch is that she comes with a little brother and sister. Pete and Elle agree to take on three new children and become an “Instant Family”.
As I recalled from the film trailers, this movie is a comedy. Still, to my surprise, the film included many heartfelt moments and managed to sneak in multiple positive messages which I truly enjoyed. I will confess, this film also managed to pull on my heartstrings considerable time (shut up, real men cry alright!).
The chemistry between Mark Wahlberg and Rose Byrne was excellent, and they were compelling as a married couple. I loved how, as a couple, they always worked as a team, and while they don’t ever get it right when it comes to conquering problems as a new family, they continue to grow. As for the child actors, they too were enjoyable, and each child delivered a different characteristic which makes the film even more entertaining and challenging for our two leads.
As for the story and plot, the movie is generally enjoyable. Some may find difficulty with the video when the film continues to introduce new plot points. This can also make the movie feel like it’s slightly dragging (particularly during the 2nd and 3rd act).
Overall, what I thought would be a brainless comedy turned out to be much more! This is a film loaded with laugher and many heartfelt moments. I enjoyed this film and the positive messages it brought to the screen. Instant Family should be watched and will be enjoyed by many.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden