This film follows a well known Australian, Errol Flynn, and tells the story of how this adventurous man discovered the cinema screen.
After escaping from a jungle exploration, Flynn decides to steal a ship from a Japanese pirate and assemble his friends. Flynn and the crew will sail the seas in hopes to finding New Guinea Gold.
With an opening sequence that can be compared to Raiders of the Lost Ark, we understand that Flynn is a man who loves a great adventure and loves women (seriously- the amount of women Flynn goes for is crazy!). Other than that, there’s very little to no development for our leading hero. His friends also surround Flynn, but once again, there is no character development for them, which in return gives the audience zero desire to care. Without these characters being built correctly, the film continues with a story of little interest. The one character that does try to open up about his past is delivering such an unfortunate introduction that when he gets deep in discussion, I didn’t feel anything emotionally.
The film’s costume design and sets are amazing, and it’s evident for an Australian movie that much attention and focus has been approved to provide a top looking Australian adventure film for 2018.
As for the plot, like the film characters… there’s not much here other than Flynn being keen to sail with his friends for gold- that’s it. The film spends a vast majority of time on trying to make consistently cheesy jokes for its audience rather than tell an exciting story. Considering our leads are in a hurry for treasure, there is also plenty of time for the film to take a moment and make jokes, fight a boxing match or even play on the beach instead. Many jokes are also dragged on, and the worst part is that the jokes don’t land and cause a laugh (well, for me anyway). By the 3rd and final act, the jokes disappear, and we are then given a dramatic film instead.
Overall, In Like Flynn tries to be the next adventurous Australian blockbuster but instead gets cheesy dialogue and unfortunate character developments, which in return hurts the film story like a sinking pirate ship. I feel there was so much potential, but sadly I found the result to be a complete misfire and a disappointment.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden