A lively woman named Georgy (Lynn Redgrave) is dealing with many challenges in her personal life during the 60s in London. Georgy lives with her female roommate who excludes Georgy from joining her on any outings. This leaves Georgy sometimes feeling jealous of her roommate and the type of relationships she has on a daily bases.
To make matters worse, Georgy also has a hard time trying to fend off her father’s boss who keeps trying to make a move on her. He is simply infatuated with Georgy and even tries to have an affair with her on many occasions although he is currently married. Georgy also lacks confidence in herself. It’s not always her fault, but her family members and the friends around her generally speak negatively about her appearance on a daily basis and even mock her heart for others and her bubbly/loud personality.
But when Georgy’s roommate reveals she is pregnant to her current boyfriend, Georgy gets passionate about a new life entering the world and will do anything to assist her roommate even though she is consistently unfair to Georgy. Georgy’s roommate also dislikes being pregnant and has no real interest in the future child.

Considering this film was initially released in 1966, I’m proud to announce that this transfer to DVD from the Australian distributor Via Vision Entertainment is outstanding. I was rather surprised to see nice widescreen visuals with B&W colour. The audio track is also worth mentioning as the vocals were perfectly clear to hear, not to mention the famous hit title track from The Seekers which had me tapping my foot while watching. For those who love the additional options, yes the disc even includes subtitles. As a plot, this is quite a dramatic tale which is dialogue-heavy and very much feels like a stage play.
Performance are all incredible, particularly from the actress Lynn Redgrave who plays Georgy. I also enjoyed the energetic performance of Alan Bates, who plays the boyfriend of Georgy’s roommate. Alan Bates bring such an energetic character to life and is able to bring fun to the dramatic film at selected times, especially since the overall plot is a heavy drama. Being a father myself, there were times where this film was able to make me feel emotions, particularly near the end of the film. As a man, I’ll even confess and say my eyes perhaps “leaked” a little too.
Overall, Georgy Girl is a classic piece of cinema. For my first time watch I’m amazed at how much this film’s plot was really able to pull at my heartstrings (particularly during the film’s final moments). Performances from all cast were incredible, but particularly from the leading actress Lynn Redgrave. The DVD release is also worth mentioning. For a film which was released back in 1966 it’s outstanding to see such a good quality transfer thanks to Via Vision Entertainment. If you’re in the mood for a classic, then you should definitely catch up with Georgy Girl.
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Review Written by Peter Walkden