Set two years after the popular game Final Fantasy VII changed the world, Final Fantasy: Advent Children brings back the loveable characters in a whole new adventure. Sadly for Cloud, an ex-mercenary who successfully won peace for the entire world, a new threat has been discovered, and he is forced to come out of isolation.
Three mysterious men are brainwashing children from the city and afflicting them with a new threat known as Geostigma disease. Not only that, an old enemy has been brought back from the dead. Cloud is now forced to raise his sword once again to save the children and the entire planet. Thankfully, Cloud won’t be fighting on his own. Other characters from the game return to help him fight, including Tifa, Barret, and the lovable Red XIII.
Naturally, this film has been made for Final Fantasy fans. Those who loved the previous game will have an absolute blast with this next chapter as the film continues from where we last left our leads.
Just like the games, the CGI and visual effects are highly enjoyable. Everything on screen is filled with tremendous colours and strong, creative imagery to create a sci-fi and futuristic world. The first act opens strongly, introducing Cloud through a fun action sequence involving motorbikes. As the movie progresses, pacing can be questionable at times. Fans probably won’t be fussed as they are greeted with many references to the game, familiar characters and fun moments of brainless action.
Overall, this is a highly pleasing instalment from the popular video game franchise, carrying on from Final Fantasy VII. It’s great that the many characters we fell in love with return and deliver a new engaging story with many nods to the original game. Again, the CGI and visual effects are a positive experience, along with the entertaining soundtrack. Naturally, this release comes highly recommended for those who adore the popular video game franchise.