Blade Runner 2049 is a Sequel to the well-known sci-fi classic Blade Runner. The original Blade Runner was made in 1982 and was directed by Ridley Scott (Aliens, Gladiator). This time around we have a new director, and a new lead character and most importantly, a new story.
For the sake of the film’s plot and a request made public by the director Denis Villeneuve (Arrival, Sicario), there will be no major spoilers in this review. Like seeing a new Star Wars film, there are many plot points that should be experienced in a cinema and not spoiled in a film review.
The year is 2049 and this film follows a Blade Runner named K (played Ryan Gosling). K is assigned a new case and through the movie we watch him go from clue to clue. Each step he takes allows him to make new major discoveries and uncover mysteries. He also discovered that he will require the assistance of a man named “Deckard” (Harrison Ford), a man who was also previously a Blade Runner a long time ago…
Within a matter of minutes, I loved how mysterious the plot was as we followed our new Blade Runner. The film doesn’t take long to get the plot going and I was instantly invested in the new story.
The world of Blade Runner is back better than ever. This is a film that is loaded with some of the best sci-fi visuals I have seen in years! With a runtime of 2hr and 43mins, I was very concerned that this type of runtime would have me yawning, but needless to say when the Visuals look as amazing as they do in this film, I personally had no issue with the runtime because the film looked just so damn good!
Even when you have an idea about what’s yet to come, I didn’t want the film to rush its pace. Perhaps others may struggle with the runtime, but my response would be when it’s this type of film, why rush it?
The audio track, and sounds are also a major jaw-dropper. Blade Runner 2049, like the original 1982 film, once again has a new, incredible, futuristic audio track. There so much tension and awe delivered by the music in this film. The sound design for all effects are again, amazing. Futuristic cars, tech gear, guns- are all alive. Like the Visual, the film’s surround track didn’t disappoint at any point!
As far as the new plot is concern, I was blown away. This a sequel done right. The film doesn’t try to make the plot bigger than the last, but honours and continues the experience of the previous film. In my opinion, the way this is done takes the story “the next step” up without being too silly in the plot department. I felt that the new lead “K” (Ryan Gosling) was fantastic and Ryan Gosling once again pulled off a great performance as he tackled all the big questions throughout the film. We also see many moments of depth in his character. And of course, for fans that have yet to see the sequel, you will be happy to know Harrison Ford’s role doesn’t disappoint either! The old man has still got it lol.
I strongly suggest that cinema lovers watch the original film before viewing this new sequel.
Overall, this is a film is a knockout! Loaded with some of the best sci-fi visuals and surround tracks, most importantly it takes Blade Runner to a new level and its story is told with perfect pace in each scene. The film at times will feel like it’s telling the story at a slower rate, but when all boxes are ticked, I’m totally fine with that! This is a must-see!
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Review Written by Peter Walkden