Welcome to the film that all Marvel fans on Earth have been waiting for over the last 10 years. Well, at least since the 1st Iron Man film came out in 2008. The film begins right after where our most recent Marvel films left off. For the best enjoyment of this film, I strongly recommend you are up to date on your Marvel movies and have seen both Thor:
Ragnarok & Black Panther.
It’s truly incredible to see every character (well, just about all of them) we’ve seen so far from the Marvel universe all smashed into one film as they discover a new enemy, Thanos. I was also impressed to see the return of some of the minor characters as well as the big leads. Our heroes this time are somewhat shuffled around and are forced to work with different groupings than normal, which only grew my curiosity as the film progressed. The director has done a great job at “pairing” characters to ensure the right tone and comedy is delivered during the film’s duration. Without spoilers, some Avengers will make choice or react in a way that felt, well… somewhat out of character. Sure, it could be due to the situation they are in, but I couldn’t help but keep feeling like it was slightly out of place. This may have something to do with the script, or perhaps some direction given from the director, not the actors.
The action and visual aspects are stunning as the Marvel world and story continues on. Our new villain, “Thanos”, is heavily focused on and the CGI work on him helps create a deep and fear-inspiring character. Overall, he alone is impressive for a villain. For this film, you will continually feel that the Stakes are high and no Avenger is safe in this movie, in particular when Thanos is present with them on screen. Like all Marvel films, there is always time to laugh and applaud the action scenes, but you will also be shocked at certain outcomes for some characters.
Overall, for a film we have all been waiting for so long (only 10 years lol), Avengers Infinity War is the biggest superhero film ever made. The film has done an outstanding job of controlling all the characters but also shaking things up to make the film still fresh and fun. I enjoyed the new villain and was very impressed by some of the CGI work here. You know the rule- stay for the credits…

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Review Written by Peter Walkden