After all her work hard work and efforts, Janet has been appointed as the new “Minster of Health” and wants to celebrate. As you do, she breaks out some lovely wine, prepares a meal and invites her closest friends over to celebrate with her.
The film starts with character introductions and some mystery as to what intentions of some of the guests are. Shortly after everyone arrives, the wine glasses are out along specific announcements and toasts. One statement, in particular, doesn’t go down so smoothly and changes the whole tone and atmosphere of this celebration party. The lives of the people within this Party will never be the same ever again.
Some might be surprised, but our film here is entirely Black & White with a short run time of only 71mins (almost the substantial duration of a tv series episode). None of these factors annoyed me, but I was curious as to the director’s choice for the use of Black and White. Even from a filming perspective, there were only a handful of outstanding, creative shots which were perfect for the colour tone used in the film. From a plot point, the film does manage to provide plenty of exciting moments, even given its short duration. By its ending credits, I’m sure the audience would have loved to see what happens next, but it was a wise choice to keep this film short, as I feel had the film gone any longer it would have started to drag on.
The Party delivers some creative work and tries to changes things up compared to the usual films we’ve seen so far this year. The characters are all different to each other, and these people are mostly horrible to one another. Even so, their actions are to provide the audience with witty humour and kept the film’s pace moving fast.
Overall, The Party is a quick, fun and exciting film. Its strongest point is the characters and the actors as they all interact with each other. The film does build up to a “twist” which I found was somewhat predictable. Nevertheless, it’s still entertaining and creative.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden