For those who are not aware, this film is, in fact, a documentary about the life of the late actor, Robin Williams. The film follows his journey from a young boy who became an unforgettable actor, comedian and voice actor for animation films- a man who knew how to shine and stand out in any crowd.
The documentary revealed many things about Robin Williams that I personally never knew about him. Simple things were included, such as his being hired as a guest on the TV series Happy Days, then the success of his comedy series “Mork & Mindy”. The film also talks about his past relationships and friendships, all of which played critical parts in his life. These friendships supported Robin Williams during his career and shared many laughs with him.
Growing up as a teenager, I was personally a huge fan of Robin Williams. One of my all-time favourite VHS tapes I used to own while growing up through high school was “An Evening with Robin Williams”. I would watch this tape so many time that even today at the age of 35, I’m confident I could repeat the entire show word for word. During high school, my life was intensely focused on drama, theatre work and a passion for film that grew more and more. Actors like Robin Williams have influenced my humour and randomness.
When it comes to films, my most memorable family comedies growing up with Robin Williams were:
* Mrs Doubtfire (The Best!)
* Hook (Gave me nightmares!)
* Jumanji (So creative and funny!)
I was thankful that this documentary also showed some old footage of Robin Williams doing the priceless voice work on films such as Aladdin. As a random fact, to this day, Aladdin is my number one favourite Disney film of all time.
I will also never forget how Robin Williams acted in drama films. I remember hiring videos from my local video store and realising how capable he was of showing deeper emotions in films like Awakenings or Patch Adams. What couldn’t he do? The man was talented!
Robin Williams himself heavily narrates the documentary. In this narration, he shares deep thoughts from during his life, and there were several great quotes which I found encouraging for myself. We also have a great mix of interviews from actors such as Billy Crystal, Steven Martin, Eric Idel, and the guest list goes on.
Overall, I found this documentary incredibly exciting and fascinating. Hearing how Robin Williams discovered the stage, which then took him to the big screen, allowing him to change the lives of many in the world was excellent. It’s a reminder to all of us that anything is possible, and we should never hold back our level of energy, passion or our desires in life. To achieve your dreams and never lose that spark that God has given us.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden