Set in Chicago during the 1980s, the film follows a stripper named Angie (Caito Aase), who has just accepted another shift in a private booth. As Angie walks into her workplace to begin the lengthy shift, she is greeted by a group of protesters who are always waiting for her. This group is led by Sally (Shaina Schrooten), a passionate woman of faith who reminds Angie daily that her choices will send her to hell. Naturally, Angie just brushes her off along with the crowd, claiming she needs to earn the money and doesn’t care about what the protestors have to say.
As Angie begins her shift, it’s just another normal night where she dancers for various customers throughout the evening. However, what began as just another shift becomes something unexpected and horrific. The power goes out, and screams can be heard outside, along with chaos. Angie attempts to escape her booth to find out what’s happening, but she seems trapped inside with no escape available to her. While trying to find a way out, she hears the voice of Sally, the protester from outside, who has trapped herself in the booth next door to Angie to try and stay safe. Sally reveals to Angie that the end of the world is occurring and judgement day is upon them. Now, Angie and Sally must put their differences aside and work together to try and survive the night.

Revealer is best described as a low-budget horror film. If you expect hordes of zombies and flesh-eating demons, you may be disappointed. Packed with a small cast, Revealer relies on the two leads, Angie and Sally, to carry most of this film. Given their difference as characters, I’m glad to report the two on-screen leads are quite entertaining to watch, not because of their conflicts but because the events force them to work together as enemies. There’s also an element of trust which is fun for the audiences to witness. Upon my first watch, I had countless thoughts, including if good girl Sally could be trusted, and I wondered if the two could escape the major world event. Plus! I was highly eager to know the outcome. While the low budget seems evident, I am proud to say I was still highly engaged and extremely curious, and I generally had a good time with this feature.

Those who love the 80s (I certainly do!) will enjoy the various nods to the period, another aspect that feels alive in this film. The clothing worn by the leads and even the musical soundtrack are all pleasing vibes that help set the tone wonderfully. Pacing, on the other hand, was generally half and half. I loved the introduction of both leads, and I adored the general setup of the world coming to an end with judgement now upon the Earth. But unfortunately, the second act is dramatically slower than the first half, and some of the ‘reveals’ are obvious and predictable. Thankfully, the final moments, including surprising elements shown during the ending credits, are highly rewarding and satisfying.

Overall, it’s evident this film has a small budget; however, what has been achieved is something extremely fun and impressive. A tale of two opposites working together to survive the end of the world is a positive idea. The themes and tones are alive thanks to the great retro vibes of the ’80s. The biggest downer is, sadly, the pacing. In the film’s first half, I was invested and on board, but the second act slowed down dramatically before ending with a brilliant conclusion. Twists and turns are obvious and predictable, but this is more personal. Still, there is a good time to be had, and this film delivers a solid concept as a horror film.
20th June 2022
Written by Peter Walkden