Lucy (Adele Perovic) drives up to a house located in bushland, and we soon learn that she has plans to wait at the home on her own as she will be meeting up with her sister. She kills time by inspecting the house and investigating the general atmosphere that surrounds her. Lucy and her sister seem to have something planned, which is slightly vague but to top it off, something or someone is lurking around Lucy. Is it the house, or is it a person? A ghost? Or something worse?
Lost Gully Road is a reasonably basic film with a super small cast. Some audiences might be surprised to see the movie isn’t always dialogue-heavy. Instead, we are given some pretty creative shots which ate designed to provide the audience with a true idea of the atmosphere that surrounds Lucy and the fact that something terrible is brewing.
One element I rather enjoyed was the film’s audio track/sound effects. At multiple times the film gives the vibe of exactly what Lucy sees and hears. My Surround speakers were loaded with birds flying around, noises in the house, car engines rumbling, and the list goes on. The suspense delivered in both audio and visual can’t be denied, nor can the creativity of both of these elements. I also enjoyed seeing the film show a few good shots that truly show off the goods that is Australia!
As a plot, the film is slightly vague, and the overall enjoyment will be up to the individual. If you’re the type of movie lover who enjoys lots of plot and fast-paced activity, you may find Lost Gully Road a slightly “slow burn” in regards to the plot department. Lost Gully Road doesn’t tell its story in a rush but more so takes its time to build up the suspense which I enjoyed. As a thriller, I found this film aimed for something above the standard creepy (or slasher) horror film. The look of the film is B grade, but sure, not every movie needs an outrageous budget to tell its story. Lost Gully Road made me feel like I was watching a midday film or a TV episode. No matter what you think of the film, as it progresses, viewers will become more curious to know what the threat is that Lucy encounters while waiting for her sister in this house.
Overall, this is a creative Australian film delivering a thriller with a basic plot and a small cast. Lost Gully Road is to be enjoyed at a smooth, slow pace which only builds tension and the viewer’s curiosity. It’s different, it’s creative, and there’s something to admire here based on the filming style alone. The film’s audio track was also fun, showing off the suspense and bit of the fun that is the nature of Australia.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden