Theatrical Review
Dragonkeeper (2024)
Long ago, when necromancers waged war against all living beings, the Chinese Empire allied with the dragons. A sacred bond was created between the dragons and a select few individuals with pure hearts. However, as the ashes of victory settled, people became jealous of...
Monster Summer (2024)
In 1997, on an island, Noah (Mason Thames) is a young teenager with big dreams for the upcoming summer season. While he hopes to spend time with his close friends and play baseball, he also aspires to become a journalist, just like his father once was. Working in a...
Freelance (2024)
Katie (Nicole Pastor) is a freelance film editor in Melbourne, Australia. Struggling financially, she finds it hard to afford rent, a meal, or luxuries like a white latte. The main problem is that while Katie works freelance, the work is not always consistent, and the...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)
In a secret location is an imprisoned hedgehog named Shadow (voiced by Keanu Reeves). Shadow has been locked away for fifty years, but unexpectedly and mysteriously, his capsule unlocks, allowing him to regain his freedom. Despite the best efforts of armed guards to...
Nosferatu (2024)
When she was just a young girl, something strange, terrifying, and highly unexplainable happened to Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp). Now, in Germany in 1838, she feels haunted by an unknown presence. Recently married to Thomas Hutter (Nicholas Hoult), Ellen hopes for a...
Paddington in Peru (2024)
Since our last encounter with Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw), much has changed for the Brown family. Some time has passed, and both Brown children have grown significantly, meaning the family hasn’t spent much time together recently. One day, Paddington receives a...
Anora (2024)
Set in Brooklyn, the story follows a young woman named Ani, also known as Anora, played by Mikey Madison. Anora works at a club dancing and stripping for money, along with being a sex worker on the side. One evening at the club, a customer is looking for someone who...
The Waves of Madness (2024)
The luxurious cruise ship, the Elder of the Seas, is sailing the oceans, filled with passengers socialising and revelling while travelling worldwide for sixty days. Initially, everyone seems to be having a wonderful time, enjoying fine dining, partying, and drinking....
The Dead Don’t Hurt (2024)
Set in the 1860s in Elk Flats, Nevada, the story follows Holger (Viggo Mortensen), who lives in a quiet, dusty home near the mountains. Although his house is quite plain, he enjoys a peaceful lifestyle and prefers to keep to himself. While venturing outside the...
Your Monster (2024)
Laura's (Melissa Barrera) life is at an all-time low. After undergoing surgery to remove cancer, she's filled with sadness and mixed emotions. Making things even worse, while she is in hospital in recovery, her boyfriend, Jacob (Edmund Donovan), reveals that he is no...
Piece by Piece (2024)
Welcome back to the world of Lego, a place where everything is fantastic, colourful, creative, and fun. Have you ever heard of Pharrell Williams? If you don't know, Pharrell Williams is an American musician who continues working on many great musical titles, including...
Goodrich (2024)
When Andy Goodrich (Michael Keaton) receives a call in the middle of the night, things become problematic. The call is from his current partner, Naomi (Laura Benanti), who has checked into rehab. Andy is both shocked and surprised to hear the news. After all, he...
Grafted (2024)
As a young girl, Wei often completed her schoolwork while her father conducted various scientific experiments. One of these experiments aimed to address a significant birthmark on Wei's face. However, when her father’s latest creation was tested, the consequences were...
The Lost Tiger (2024)
When a kangaroo family discovers a lost tiger, Red (Jimi Bani) and Kara (Nakkiah Lui), the parents are bewildered about how this baby tiger could have been left behind. With no information about its origin, they adopt the tiger and welcome him into their family as one...
Poison (2024)
Waking up early, Lucas (Tim Roth) starts his drive to a cemetery, quickly stopping for fuel and a hot coffee along the way. Meanwhile, Edith (Trine Dyrholm) calls her workplace, claiming she is unwell at the start of her day before riding her bike to the cemetery....
Inside (2024)
Mel (Vincent Miller) is a young man who has just been transferred from a juvenile facility to an adult prison. Upon his arrival, he learns he will be sharing a cell with Mark Shepard (Cosmo Jarvis), who is in jail for ‘max’ (maximum time). Although it’s never directly...
The Colors Within (2024)
Totsuko (Sayu Suzukawa) is a high school student with a unique ability: she can see colours emanating from those around her. Each colour reflects a different emotion, such as peace, joy, and more. One day, while playing dodgeball at school, Totsuko experiences...
The Nature of Love (2024)
Sophia (Magalie Lépine Blondeau) lives in Montreal with her long-term partner, Xavier (Francis-William Rhéaume). Sophia is a full-time philosophy professor determined to repair and renovate their country house in her spare time. To help with the extensive...
Nightbitch (2024)
Amy Adams plays ‘Mother’, a full-time stay-at-home mum to her toddler son. Throughout the day, she often takes her son to the park or the local library, where other toddlers and mothers gather to play games and sing songs. Throughout each day, she consistently...
Weekend in Taipei (2024)
John (Luke Evans) is an undercover agent tasked with gathering evidence to bring down a criminal leader named Kwang (Sung Kang). His undercover mission as a chef is going smoothly until a fellow agent accidentally drops his badge in front of the enemy. This mistake...
Other Theatrical Reviews
Dragonkeeper (2024)
Long ago, when necromancers waged war against all living beings, the Chinese Empire allied with the dragons. A sacred bond was created between the dragons and a select few individuals with pure hearts. However, as the ashes of victory settled, people became jealous of...
Monster Summer (2024)
In 1997, on an island, Noah (Mason Thames) is a young teenager with big dreams for the upcoming summer season. While he hopes to spend time with his close friends and play baseball, he also aspires to become a journalist, just like his father once was. Working in a...
Freelance (2024)
Katie (Nicole Pastor) is a freelance film editor in Melbourne, Australia. Struggling financially, she finds it hard to afford rent, a meal, or luxuries like a white latte. The main problem is that while Katie works freelance, the work is not always consistent, and the...
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024)
In a secret location is an imprisoned hedgehog named Shadow (voiced by Keanu Reeves). Shadow has been locked away for fifty years, but unexpectedly and mysteriously, his capsule unlocks, allowing him to regain his freedom. Despite the best efforts of armed guards to...
Nosferatu (2024)
When she was just a young girl, something strange, terrifying, and highly unexplainable happened to Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp). Now, in Germany in 1838, she feels haunted by an unknown presence. Recently married to Thomas Hutter (Nicholas Hoult), Ellen hopes for a...
Paddington in Peru (2024)
Since our last encounter with Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw), much has changed for the Brown family. Some time has passed, and both Brown children have grown significantly, meaning the family hasn’t spent much time together recently. One day, Paddington receives a...
Anora (2024)
Set in Brooklyn, the story follows a young woman named Ani, also known as Anora, played by Mikey Madison. Anora works at a club dancing and stripping for money, along with being a sex worker on the side. One evening at the club, a customer is looking for someone who...
The Waves of Madness (2024)
The luxurious cruise ship, the Elder of the Seas, is sailing the oceans, filled with passengers socialising and revelling while travelling worldwide for sixty days. Initially, everyone seems to be having a wonderful time, enjoying fine dining, partying, and drinking....
The Dead Don’t Hurt (2024)
Set in the 1860s in Elk Flats, Nevada, the story follows Holger (Viggo Mortensen), who lives in a quiet, dusty home near the mountains. Although his house is quite plain, he enjoys a peaceful lifestyle and prefers to keep to himself. While venturing outside the...
Your Monster (2024)
Laura's (Melissa Barrera) life is at an all-time low. After undergoing surgery to remove cancer, she's filled with sadness and mixed emotions. Making things even worse, while she is in hospital in recovery, her boyfriend, Jacob (Edmund Donovan), reveals that he is no...
Piece by Piece (2024)
Welcome back to the world of Lego, a place where everything is fantastic, colourful, creative, and fun. Have you ever heard of Pharrell Williams? If you don't know, Pharrell Williams is an American musician who continues working on many great musical titles, including...
Goodrich (2024)
When Andy Goodrich (Michael Keaton) receives a call in the middle of the night, things become problematic. The call is from his current partner, Naomi (Laura Benanti), who has checked into rehab. Andy is both shocked and surprised to hear the news. After all, he...
Grafted (2024)
As a young girl, Wei often completed her schoolwork while her father conducted various scientific experiments. One of these experiments aimed to address a significant birthmark on Wei's face. However, when her father’s latest creation was tested, the consequences were...
The Lost Tiger (2024)
When a kangaroo family discovers a lost tiger, Red (Jimi Bani) and Kara (Nakkiah Lui), the parents are bewildered about how this baby tiger could have been left behind. With no information about its origin, they adopt the tiger and welcome him into their family as one...
Poison (2024)
Waking up early, Lucas (Tim Roth) starts his drive to a cemetery, quickly stopping for fuel and a hot coffee along the way. Meanwhile, Edith (Trine Dyrholm) calls her workplace, claiming she is unwell at the start of her day before riding her bike to the cemetery....
Inside (2024)
Mel (Vincent Miller) is a young man who has just been transferred from a juvenile facility to an adult prison. Upon his arrival, he learns he will be sharing a cell with Mark Shepard (Cosmo Jarvis), who is in jail for ‘max’ (maximum time). Although it’s never directly...
The Colors Within (2024)
Totsuko (Sayu Suzukawa) is a high school student with a unique ability: she can see colours emanating from those around her. Each colour reflects a different emotion, such as peace, joy, and more. One day, while playing dodgeball at school, Totsuko experiences...
The Nature of Love (2024)
Sophia (Magalie Lépine Blondeau) lives in Montreal with her long-term partner, Xavier (Francis-William Rhéaume). Sophia is a full-time philosophy professor determined to repair and renovate their country house in her spare time. To help with the extensive...
Nightbitch (2024)
Amy Adams plays ‘Mother’, a full-time stay-at-home mum to her toddler son. Throughout the day, she often takes her son to the park or the local library, where other toddlers and mothers gather to play games and sing songs. Throughout each day, she consistently...
Weekend in Taipei (2024)
John (Luke Evans) is an undercover agent tasked with gathering evidence to bring down a criminal leader named Kwang (Sung Kang). His undercover mission as a chef is going smoothly until a fellow agent accidentally drops his badge in front of the enemy. This mistake...
Tatami (2024)
Leila (Arienne Mandi) is an Iranian female judoka who has travelled to the Judo World Championship and strongly desires to win the gold medal. If successful, Leila would be responsible for Iran's first gold medal. Her coach and trainer, Maryam (Zar Amir Ebrahimi),...
In Vitro (2024)
In the near future, a married couple, Jack (Ashley Zukerman) and Layla (Talia Zucker), have taken a revolutionary risk to move into cloning and biotechnology. This technology enables them to make, create, and clone their stock on their isolated property. Working as a...
Flathead (2024)
After receiving some concerning health news, Cass (Cass Cumerford) suddenly decides to visit his childhood home in Bundaberg, Australia, which is filled with many memories. Since Cass is alone, he rents a cheap room to stay in. While in town, he begins...
The Moon is Upside Down (2024)
Follow the journey of three different women who have one major thing in common: they're all looking for happiness, a sense of belonging, and purpose. Firstly, there is Natalia (Victoria Haralabidou), a mail-order bride from Siberia. Natalia travels to Aotearoa to...
Azrael (2024)
Welcome to a new world unlike anything you've seen before. It is set after the Rapture, and those who remain on earth are unable to speak a single word. The film opens with a woman named Azrael (Samara Weaving) on the run, filled with fear and panic as she sprints...
Fear Below (2024)
A group of dangerous mob men are travelling by car, armed with weapons. Hidden in the car's trunk are several wooden boxes of gold bullion. While driving at high speed, the driver swerves to avoid something on the road, causing a tragic accident. Although the men are...
Hundreds of Beavers (2022)
In the 19th century, we follow Jean Kayak (Ryland Brickson Cole Tews), the owner of Jean Kayak's Acme Applejack. Jean enjoys life to the fullest and spends most of his days getting drunk and serving the finest drink to the community. However, pesky beavers often...