A member of Senator Dianne’s (Annette Bening) staff, Daniel (Adam Driver), is assigned to lead a team of his choosing to investigate the past methods of Interrogations used by the CIA after the tragic events of 9/11. Soon Daniel finds himself heavily invested in the case and ends up devoting many hours, in fact, years, of his life to the investigation as he becomes determined to reveal the truth and bring justice to the world.

I wasn’t aware of this case, so naturally, I was rather curious to know about this story. The film has a nice positive way of setting up the film and introducing us to its characters. From the beginning, it is evident that our leading man Daniel is a workaholic and has no time for relationships, instead giving each task everything he’s got. Once he begins the new case, it doesn’t take long for the audience to become invested with both the film and story.
Actor Adam Driver delivers a terrific performance as the character of Daniel. He is able to show both the character’s passion for the truth and his abilities while investigating this case. Actress Annette BENNING is also generally positive in her support role.
But what I enjoyed about The Report is simply the story itself. This film has no action and to call it a thriller also feels slightly incorrect. More than anything, it feels like a political drama.
Naturally, this film is very dialogue-heavy, not just about 9/11 but also about Politics, Ethics and Government. Despite being dialogue-heavy, the film is quite essential and satisfying. It isn’t trying to achieve anything awesome in the surround sound or visual department. The overall appearance is generally raw and gritty, but I wouldn’t have it any other way given the type of story this is.
Overall, I quite enjoyed The Report as a political drama. Learning more about this exciting story through Adam Driver’s solid performance is a positive experience for this Amazon Prime film.