A secret mission takes a bad turn thanks to a surprise visit by an enemy known as ‘Predator’ crashing out of the sky. Quinn (Boyd Holbrook) battles the unknown threat and manages to collect a couple of pieces of the creature’s amour. Quinn escapes the fight with his life and decides to send the alien proof back home where it can be safe.

When the package arrives at his home, a young boy accidentally triggers a beacon which alerts the Predator leader and directs him to head straight to Earth. Meanwhile, Quinn is introduced to a new team of ex-soldiers while being imprisoned in chains. Soon these ex-soldiers (who are full of quirky personalities) develop a unique friendship and together decide to stand by Quinn’s leadership and save the world by taking on “The Predator.”
For who are not aware, The Predator is, in fact, a continuation of the previous Predator films. I would suggest viewers ignore the Aliens Vs Predator series going into this film. I am a massive fan of the Predator and Alien franchises. The excitement for this film only grew bigger and bigger as the project had so many incredible opportunities. This new Predator film was directed by Shane Black, who played the character of “Hawkins” next to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original Predator film back in 1987.

Unfortunately, the film has more disappointments for me than I would like to admit. I enjoyed the film’s characters as (no surprise) they all provided fun chemistry with one another and are fun. Hearing the original Predator score returning to life in surround sound put a smile on my face as it confirmed the world is still connected to the original series we once enjoyed. The surround sound and the look of the original Predator was also a joy to see and hear on big iMax screen.

But I feel there are some serious issues with the film’s plots and an overuse of CGI to provide the look for the main Predator and other creatures such as “Predator Dogs”.
While the chemistry of the “new team” is fun and they all get along together, the gags can be over the top which doesn’t provide an acceptable laugh but more so will probably result in audience members raising their eyebrows instead of laughing. There is no real feeling of fear or suspense here either. Come to think of it. I can’t remember any of the main character’s names or a memorable quote of dialogue that stood out to me.

To top it off, I’m extremely (extremely!) disappointed by the film’s final scenes and ending before the credits roll. The ending is far too cheesy, rushed and also takes away some of the thoughts and feelings I had towards selected characters within the film. This bothered me the most. If I had the opportunity, I would beg the director to reconsider the film’s ending, and that’s not an excellent thought to have for a new Predator film!
Overall, it kills me to say, but we have a weak entry in “The Predator” franchise. We have a film that has a thin plot, poorly written character jokes and a strong push for us to watch CGI aliens. Sure, there are some moments to enjoy, but most Predator fans will be left feeling saddened and disappointed.
The Predator (2018) is Now Available on 4K UHD, Bluray & DVD!


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Review Written by Peter Walkden