It’s been twenty-five years since Woodsboro suffered a series of horrific murders. Now in the present day, a new Ghostface killer has surfaced with a desire to kill. But this time, the killer’s motive’s seem to be connected to the town secrets and its past. We also learn that a group of young teenagers are being targeted, and somehow, they are connected to events that started it all.
Serving as a sequel to the popular horror franchise, Scream (2022) introduces a handful of new characters and a whole new storyline. The film does thankfully reference the previous films multiple times, especially the original that fired this series off. There are new mysteries and a plotline that feels honourable to the series from the very beginning. Familiar faces have an important part to play here, and seeing them all interact with the new cast of characters was delightful.

As a sequel, Scream goes up a level in many areas. Firstly, this new instalment is easily the most violent and horrific within the series. The kills here are more bloody, shocking and horrific. The film has no issues taking the series up a gear in all areas. I was surprised throughout, and aspects of the finale were unpredictable and highly satisfying like previous films in the franchise.

The visuals are great, and again, it all feels consistent with the previous films. It’s still dark, spooky, and at times, the visuals on-screen wonderfully create tension and moments of unpredictability. The level of gore and violence feels real and convincing. Nothing on-screen looks fake, and each kill shown feels real. The sound effects are chilling, which only made me sink in my seat lower and lower as the film progressed.

The pacing is great. The film begins with a bang that consists of scares, tension and again, a solid mystery that I found myself instantly invested in. The mystery is a big drawcard for fans, extending on the original films instead of just being another slasher. Instead of attempting to create a whole new series, this movie is a successful extension of the original that works wonderfully. At no point did I ever feel bored by this film, and I was determined to see it through no matter how tense it made me.

Overall, as a fifth instalment, I’m excited to announce that I found Scream to be a thrilling sequel, packed with more blood, violence and many horrific moments that will shock fans. The film successfully introduces new characters while bringing back key characters from the series that many have adored. Every kill feels real, and the sound effects are unsettling. With a fun new mystery, Scream delivers a new, highly chilling level of entertainment that cuts to the bone.
13th January 2022
Written by Peter Walkden

Peter Walkden Attending the Queensland Preview Event thanks to Paramount Pictures