A young man named Logan wakes up on a city bus. Unsure as to how he got there, Logan begins to raise questions with the other bus passengers around him and soon realises there is more going on with the bus than Logan could ever imagine.
Due to the film’s twists and turns, the plot discussion in this review will be kept to a minimal (you can thank me later).
From the opening start of the film, we are given very little information about Logan and the other passengers. As the audience, we start this journey at the same time as Logan. Many questions are raised, but as the film progresses, you will get answers. I’m happy to announce that by the end credits, I was left in the cinema seat feeling extremely content and satisfied with the film’s outcomes and the journey that I had just been on.
For an Aussie film, I must give a massive amounts of praise to the film’s audio and visual. It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve seen an Australian movie that displayed such an incredible picture also complimented by a fantastic audio track (double win!). The film also uses a creative range of colours, well used in many key scenes.
For those who are not aware, this film is a directional debut by David Fairhurst. The director has delivered a film that is daring, creative and fresh. Considering the film contains many actors on a bus, I was surprised by how well the director was able to film scenes considering the tight space that would be found on a bus (think about it). After watching this directional debut, I am confident to say the director has a promising career ahead. The same can be said about the actors of the film’s main characters.
I had the honour of attending the Queensland premier of this film, and I’m thankful that I accepted the invitation. Reaching Distance feels like I’m breathing fresh air. It’s deep, creative and thrilling. From the word go, the film had my attention, and I was curious to get answers, in the end, leaving the cinema feeling positive. Massive credit goes out to director David Fairhurst. Reaching Distance is worth your time and effort to see.
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Review Written by Peter Walkden