With some time passing since we last saw our favourite superhero family, Mr Incredible and Elastigirl are on a mission to stop a supervillain from terrorising the city. During this battle, they’re also joined by the returning hero Frozone (Samuel L Jackson).
While our heroes try and save the day, the damage caused to their beloved city is rather significant. The city still classes all superheroes as illegal.
However! The Incredibles are soon invited to relaunch themselves afresh and re-attempt to win the public over, proving the world needs superheroes. The only catch is, to do this, Mr Incredible will need to be left home to care for the kids while Elastigirl will be the one out and about saving the world.
Being a massive fan of the original film, I’m thankful this sequel manages to change it up, making the film feel very different to the previous instalment. The film also manages to maintain excellent character development, including for Baby JackJack as we discover a greater understanding of his hidden powers. Overall, I was enjoying what our heroes delivered on-screen once again. I will admit though that I was disappointed by the film’s villain. Not only was this person very predictable, but the character alone was uninteresting and forgettable for a family film. Given the screen time this person gets, I just found myself more invested in the family development rather than wanting to understand the villain. Overall, the villain felt more forced rather than flowing with the theme of the sequel.
As one would expect for a Disney film, I have zero complaints about the film’s audio and visual track. Hearing the classic Incredibles themes once again is a real delight, and I found it brought back great memories of the original, 1st film. That being said, if I’m honest, I preferred the audio track on Incredibles 1 just a little more.
Overall, I feel The Incredibles 2 is a worthy, respectful sequel. As a plot, the film does manage to take a few unpredictable turns in regards to the family’s overall character development. Still, as for the film’s villain, this was a let down as it was predictable and forgettable. Nevertheless, I enjoyed seeing the family return, and now I’m left curious, wondering what will be in store next for this fun and talented family.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden