After spending ten years in prison, the great cat burglar Eddie Hawkins (Bruce Willis), aka Hudson Hawk, wants to live a clean life, have a cappuccino and play some Nintendo. But on the day he’s released from prison, Eddie (Bruce Willis) is blackmailed and forced to use his skills once again. This time, Eddie is required to steal some of Da Vinci’s artworks and inventions, all of which will lead to world domination and the bad guys being loaded with gold. Eddie accepts, and from here on in the film is nothing but pure random odd comedy.
Considering the lead star is Bruce Willis, I can’t bring myself to say this is a standard action film, especially for him. Hudson Hawk is simply a nutty, random comedy (and I mean Nutty). It should be known that this is the only film where actor Bruce Willis managed to have input in the film’s writing and script and got credit for it.
Bruce Willis is confident throughout the film, and I love that. His random jokes and one-liners are so bad that they’re funny. It amazes me that certain things were written for this blockbuster film. It’s nearly impossible to take anything seriously in this film, and so many things are unrealistic. For example, Eddie sits at the bar to drink a Cappuccino, but someone shoots his cup while in his hand. Eddie is calm about it and raises an eyebrow. Oh, and everyone around him doesn’t even notice that shots were fired.
The film’s villains also have jokes similar to Eddie’s, and naturally, they also go way over the top like comedic Bond villains, consistently using unnecessary violence and evil laughter.
The film’s editing is also questionable. The resulting film is choppy, but I don’t know if this was purposeful or due to lots ending up on the cutting room floor. One gag (if I can call it that) involves Eddie jumping off the roof of a vehicle and landing perfectly in a chair at the table and restaurant where he was to meet his date. What the!?
Overall, I can’t recommend Hudson Hawke to anyone, but actually, wait; I change my mind; I actually will. But not because this film is fantastic, but because it’s not. Because sometimes you need to see a movie that’s so bad, it’s funny. Films like this are almost impossible to grade because I found myself laughing for the wrong reasons and not because of what this film wanted to be.
24th November 2019
Written by Peter Walkden