Continuing right after the first instalment featured in 2017, Tree (Jessica Rothe) once again finds herself looping the same day every day just like in the previous film. But! This time some things are slightly different.
Credit where credit is due, I was blown away to see how the film managed to continue on the right after the 1st film (Back to the Future II anyone?). All our familiar characters surrounding Tree have returned to try and assist her in figuring out what’s going on and most importantly, work together to figure out who the new “baby face killer” is.
Unlike the 1st film which introduced us to a Groundhog Day type of film with a taste of horror, Happy Death Day 2U does continue with this same type of style, but manages to kick the movie up a gear as it aims for more humour and even goes a little sci-fi. These added elements are right, but sadly they do decrease the amount of horror and suspense. But, it’s still brainless, and it’s always fun.
If you’ve seen the first film, like me, you may have been left with many questions. One question I mainly had was why on earth was Tree’s life looping over and over every day, and why her? Interestingly enough, this film accepted the challenge to try and explain some of those factors created by the 1st film. While I found myself somewhat laughing at the story and the plot, I have to give credit to the creativity of the writers for not leaving the audiences questioning and hanging out any further.
While twists are fun and I’ll admit I couldn’t predict them, I was left feeling overall speechless and surprised by the awkward and quick ending of the film (and on that note be sure you stay for the film’s credits for more information).
Overall, Happy Day Death 2U delivers what I expected as a sequel but also managed to try and lift the game. While the film’s increased gags and the added element of sci-fi does take away from any tense or suspenseful moments like we saw in the previous movie, this film is fun, it’s brainless, and the film knows it’s not to be taken too seriously.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden