Two good friends decide to catch up by going on a weekend hunting trip together in Scotland. One of the male leads has also recently discovered that his finance is now pregnant. The two feel this trip could be their last chance to spend good quality together. While this seems like a simple concept and plot, nothing could prepare either one of our male leads as to what comes their way. And thankfully, the audience is unprepared too.
This is not a horror film by any means- it is more of a thriller with suspenseful drama thrown into the mix. I strongly suggested that viewers are best to watch this film without any distractions around them so they can enjoy the audio track. The film pays excellent attention to detail in the film’s audio track, even with sounds as essential as someone’s knife scratching on a plate while people eat. Little elements such as these all add to the film’s tone. The film is also rather dark picture wise, so perhaps enjoy the viewing during the evening or with curtains closed.
As much as I would like to explain the film’s plot in more detail, to do so would only rob Finesse Fans. I will say that I enjoyed this film. Once a critical, crucial moment is introduced (again, unpredictable), our two leads friendships are truly tested, and it is this essential factor that makes this Netflix film a somewhat successful one. The reason for the success all springs from having solid main characters. The film’s dialogue is also quite impressive. We are given detail about our main characters with a couple of opening scenes. Still, it never feels like the film is spoon-feeding the audience information, instead providing enough to get us interested and curious from the word go.
Overall, this film delivers something we need to see of more in cinema today- suspense, a simple plot, functional leads and wise amounts of dialogue. Knowing little or nothing about this film in advance is the best way to enjoy it simply. Considering this is now on Netflix Australia, I would quickly call this a hidden gem for movie lovers.

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Review Written by Peter Walkden