Dr Louis Creed (Jason Clarke), along with his wife, daughter and son, relocate from Boston to the woods for personal reasons. Soon the family encounters several bizarre events while settling in. Louis and his family even find a dark and mysterious type of burial ground for pets right behind their new home. They soon discover there is more to this burial than just a “Pet Sematary”.
For those who are not aware, this film is based on the best-selling novel by Stephen King and is a remake of a movie from 1989. This review will not contain any spoilers or comparisons between the original film or book. Right off the bat, I must compliment the film’s audio track. For a horror film, the film’s audio was a major highlight for me. I’m not talking about music- no! (NO!) I’m praising the incredible sound effects and editing that were used for this film. The facts alone had me a little tensed up and hiding under my shirt.
As for plot, it’s a horror film that is extremely dramatic, and some may find emotionally draining. This film feels like it kicks right into motion with basic introductions to our characters as a perfect way to begin the story. The pace is somewhat consistent until we reach the crossover between the 2nd and 3rd act. Here the film slightly wobbles in its speed. One editing cut also wholly distracted me, making the transition between scenes do not match up, almost like a view was removed from the final film. After the movie, I also did do some thinking about the ending and the elements that lead up to the finale. Thankfully the core of the plot is explained rather well. Still, unfortunately, Pet Sematary enjoys giving the audience other scares or side plots which, in the end, are never fully explained or given any reason for them being in the film. These minor details or different side plots are disappointing, but I would say it’s a minor issue (it’s a horror movie, people).
Our performances are also praised worthy, in particular by the actor Jason Clarke. Clarke gives what I feel is one of his best performances seen in some time (especially if we compare it with his work in films like Winchester and Terminator Genysis). Actor John Lithgow was also amazing (as always!), but his character throughout the film comes across as somewhat predictable.
Overall, this is a positive remake that has truly surprised me in many ways. It contains a surprisingly good performance from actor Jason Clarke and an Audio track that will make you want to hide under your shirt due to the tense moments. Naturally, a film like this comes recommended to fans of the original movie, the author Stephen King and those who enjoy a messed up horror film.


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