Based on the 1979 film, this remake of “Going In Style” tells the story of three senior men (played by Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman & Alan Arkin) who have been friends for many years. They also worked together at the same factory. Struggling to make ends meet week by week for themselves and their loved ones, life turns for worse when they discover their pension funds are gone.
The three soon decide to make a stand and get even by robbing the very bank that has done wrong by them. The fun here is these men are old and none of them have a clue on how to rob a bank, hold a gun or drive a getaway car.
Needless to say, this film doesn’t have anything new in regards to the film plot: people are wronged and seek revenge or to take back what belongs to them. This type of film has been done many times but is rare to see it done with this type of cast and humour.
One of the greatest things about Going in Style is the fact it’s loaded with a talented (old school) cast. I’m not just talking about the three male leads- even the film’s supporting cast is strong, including Ann Margaret & Christopher Lloyd. With a cast like this, I’m sure you’ll agree when I say there are no complaints when it comes to the performances.
Director Zach Braff (best known as JD from Scrubs) has directed another fun film which delivers many heartfelt moments. The director really knew how the key actors were best to be used throughout the film. The quirky, well-timed dialogue between leads was also something to be highly praised. I found myself enjoying many chuckles from start to finish just while listening to the characters basic conversations.
Although this film has many older actors, I wish to encourage Finesse fans that this film isn’t just aimed at an older generation. In fact, it almost comes off as a family film (well except for the 1 well-timed F Bomb).
While Going In Style isn’t a film that will request repeat many viewings, I feel many people (including myself) will have some fun watching it. It is also a joy to see such a talented cast who proves they have the skill to provide strong performances while having a good cheeky time along the way.
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Review Written by Peter Walkden